When it comes to tracking employee attendance for payroll (or job costing) purposes the most inaccurate, creative and despised method is the paper timesheet. Especially handwritten, paper versions.
- Your employees hate completing them.
- Your managers hate trying to decipher the handwriting, checking and calculating the hours
- Your payroll manager hates having to key the data into the payroll.
- They are prone to error, both from employees "miswriting" their times and from manager miscalculating times and in some cases applying different rules to different staff.
Yet many small businesses (and large ones) continue to insist they are used in the vain hope they will get accurate information.
With the advent of cloud and mobile technology employers now have options that allow staff to use the devices they are used to using on a daily basis, such as smartphones and tablets.
Through the application of intelligent "rules-based" systems like TimeHub all of the issues which exist with paper timesheets disappear.
And moving to an electronic or automated employee attendance system is NOT about catching those employees who intentionally cheat.
While this issue will reduce as a byproduct of a new system the key thing is you end up with a system that everyone can trust. Employees know that if they clock in and out correctly they will be paid correctly and there is no human intervention, the rules will just be applied.
Managers and owners will also have more confidence as the data is recorded in real-time and they know they don't have to spend time trying to work out what the staff have done.
There are many other benefits of automating your attendance record-keeping which we are happy to discuss with you.
If you would like to have a no-obligation conversation you can reach Steve here - Chat with Steve