A few questions we get asked

If you have other questions, give us a call. We'll answer them with no sales pitch.

Yes, you can try MyTimesheets by requesting a free trial. The trial provides access to all features and comes preloaded with demo data which you can remove at any point.
Yes! You can access MyTimesheets from any device. That includes mobile devices, computers, laptops, iPads, and tablets.
Yes we have both an Android and iOS app. We also have an offline app for Mac and Windows devices. Our mobile apps have the ability to log GPS locations and to take photos if you also need this functionality.
MyTimesheets is perfect for offline use. You can enter timesheets almost anywhere. If your internet connection is not available, the app will send its data when you get back into the coverage area. This makes it ideal for orchards, farms and working in remote locations.
MyTimesheets officially supports Internet Explorer 9+ as well as more recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge and Safari. Our preferred browser is Chrome. We also support offline mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Your data is safely stored in our secure data centers provided by Microsoft Azure and Amazon S3. We protect your data with a firewall and back it up daily. Access to your MyTimesheets account is secured with an encrypted communication channel and secure certificates.
Our users' data is hosted by Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. It is physically located in Sydney Australia and the United States for our New Zealand and non-New Zealand customers respectively. We also hold backups at other secure data centres in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia.
Absolutely. If you need your data removed from our servers, please submit a request to [email protected] and our support team will be happy to assist. We can also send you a copy of your data before removing it if necessary.
The list is constantly being updated and the current options can be viewed on our home page. However, if your payroll or job costing system is not included in the list, send us a message and we can probably include it fairly quickly.
Yes. The system has the capability to deactivate or reactivate any employee as needed. MyTimesheets also backs up the information about each employee, so when you reactivate an account there is no need to re-enter employee data.
Our software includes a feature that captures an image with each timesheet entry so you can ensure the identity of each user.
Yes. MyTimesheets automatically detects the users timezone when they log in. All entries are recorded using local dates and times. Reports and exports can optionally consolidate entries to match a common working date and time.
MyTimesheets mobile app requires at least iOS 9.0 or Android 4.0.3 to run most of its functionality. If you wish to capture photos, you will require at least iOS 11 or Android 4.0.3, as the camera is not fully supported on earlier versions of iOS.
We offer live chat, phone, and email support.
No we do not store your credit card information. Your credit card data is processed by third-party payment services (PayPal and Stripe) that follow very strict data security standards.

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