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From the "Colonies" to the "Motherland"

We are really excited to have our first client in the UK!

Recently we were contacted by the co-founder of Grow in the London borough of Hackney (yes we had to find it on Google maps 😊).

Grow is a bar, kitchen and independent "Creative Space" by the River Lea and describes itself as "An Experiment in Ethical & Sustainable Business"

They were looking to improve the way they manage employee time and attendance for their team, especially now that the UK is coming out of lockdown and the hospitality sector is starting to ramp back up.

Having our first client UK is exciting for a number of reasons.

Not only are we are taking NZ Code to world, but this validates the decision we made when we decided to came back into the payroll tech space - to build a product which could work anywhere in the world. Rather than build another payroll system (which are very country specific) we figured that an hour is 60 minutes everywhere and employers across the planet will be dealing with the same issues so we decided to build a time and attendance solution which takes "time" out of managing payroll.

Also building mobile optimised, cloud based solutions, which use apps on tablets and smartphones rather than specialist (expensive) hardware to capture "Real time in Real-time" , meant that it could be deployed anywhere where employees are paid by the hour or where employers need to know Who Worked When, Where and on What. Plus it can be supported from here in New Zealand.

This is a major milestone in our journey and it is exciting to be working with such a visionary business as Grow as our first UK client.  We are also excited to see what other opportunities come from this, both in the UK and other countries where employers want a better way to manage employee time.

GROW - Hackney -
Putting people and planet above profit is possible - Grow is an independent self-organised creative space, bar and kitchen in Hackney Wick which hosts a diverse programme celebrating and nurturing local and international creative talent.
An experiment in ethical and sustainable business - Since 2014, our aim is to remove financial barriers to extend opportunities to enjoy a creative and nurturing environment whilst exploring ecological and social sustainability.
Enjoy middle-eastern inspired sustainable street food and selected signature drinks served to your table as you enjoy performances from a floating stage on the River Lea. Take a socially distanced seat on our garden terrace, mezzanine with a view, upcycled greenhouse or inside this converted sausage factory warehouse.
Learn more about how MyTimesheets can help you here - Why we have “Re-imagined” the paper timesheet

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