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Regardless of what business you are in, if you employ staff you need to keep "time" records.

These are the time-related records that employers must keep under new zealand employment law

Time and wage records: Employers must maintain accurate records of the hours worked by each employee, including start and finish times, break times, and the wages paid for each pay period.

Leave records: Employers must keep records of the different types of leave taken by employees, such as annual leave, sick leave, bereavement leave, and any other statutory leave entitlements.

Public holiday records: Employers must record the days on which public holidays occur and whether employees were entitled to take those days off or work them.

Overtime records: If employees work overtime, employers must keep records of the additional hours worked and any additional payments made.

Records of employment agreements: Employers should keep copies of the signed employment agreements for each employee.

Time off in lieu (TOIL) records: If an employee has accrued time off in lieu for working extra hours, records of these accrued hours should be maintained.

It is essential for employers to maintain these records for at least six years as per the requirements of the New Zealand Employment Relations Act 2000. However, please note that employment laws may change over time, and it's always best to consult with a legal professional or check the latest government guidelines to ensure compliance with current regulations.

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