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Joining forces with NZ's bookkeepers

We are super excited to be partnering with the Institute of Certified NZ Bookkeepers #nzbookkeepers via their "Members Benefits Scheme" If you are a member of #ICNZB check out their latest newsletter which came out today for details. If you are a bookkeeper and you would like to know more about how our MyTimesheets App…

What employee "time" records must you keep by law?

Almost every day we see a story in the media where an employer is being fined for not keeping accurate Employee Records. These stories typically relate to a lack of or incomplete Wage and Time Records, and/or Employment Agreements in addition to incorrect payments. The Employment Relations and Holidays Acts…
Re-Imagining Paper Timesheets

Why we have "Re-imagined" the paper timesheet

Recently we've been thinking a lot about who we created MyTimesheets for and Why? We wanted to create something which has a positive impact on both employees, payroll people and the businesses which employ them. This is why we are so focused on re-imagining paper timesheets and time clocks. The…

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