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FB How many times will each employees attendance data be touched by a human per week if they use paper time sheets (Blog Banner)

38 - 44 Times Per Employee, Per Week!

The Hidden Costs of Paper Timesheets: Why Touching Data Too Often Leads to Errors and Overpayments When it comes to managing employee time and attendance, many businesses still rely on paper timesheets to record hours worked. While this method may seem simple and inexpensive, it comes with hidden risks that…
buynzmade pod

MyTimesheets on the A Kiwi Original Podcast

Recently I was interviewed by Ryan Jennings of Buy NZ Made about how our MyTimesheets app is helping Kiwi businesses save money... through... more accurate timesheet management that ensures compliance with the Employment Relations Act, Holidays Act and the Health & Safety Employment Act. We also talk about why we…
IRD Changes

There's nothing as certain as death, taxes and payroll changes...

Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying "nothing is certain but death and taxes"  For anyone involved in payroll you can add "payroll changes" to that quote as there is always something which changes every year and it is normally around April 1st. This year is no different with Inland…

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