Occasionally an employee who is using the MyTimesheets App will forget to clock out and their record will still be on the device they use.
When this happens we need to have the clock out so that their timesheet record is synced correctly to the server. In the past the only option was for the employee to clock out using the Finish button (as they cannot normally select a time) but this meant that the app took the devices time when the button was clicked. This had the potential for the hours worked to be wrong as it was not the actual time.
Often when this happened the employee would enter a note saying when the had actually finished but that then meant you needed to look out for these notes or the incorrect hours.
To improve this process we have made a change so that if the employee has one of these records and it is more than 18 hrs after they clocked the time selection function is enabled (only for the finish time) so they can enter their actual finish time to create a more accurate record.
We recognise that this could mean the time is not always accurate, so to ensure you are aware they have done this we now automatically make the record Pending and we enter an Admin note which states when the data was entered. This lets you A) Know this has happened B) Lets you see when it happened and C) If need be edit the time before unticking the Pending Flag.
Note: If the Pending flag is not unticked the data will not export to payroll but you will be warned about this when posting. You can also run the "Pending Timesheet Entries" before you post to payroll. (This should always be done to ensure you haven't missed anyone)
This video covers how this works: