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The 10 main causes of Employee Time Theft and their implications

The 10 main causes of Employee Time Theft and their implications

We asked ChatGPT what the 10 main causes of Employee Time Theft are and their implications: Time theft refers to the practice of employees using company time for personal purposes or not working during their scheduled work hours. This can have serious implications for the business, as it can lead…
Easter blog

Are you ready for Easter

Whenever there is a block of Public Holidays such as Christmas, New Year or Easter, you can almost feel the stress levels go up in the payroll office as payroll admins and managers try to get their heads around who should be paid what. While the simple rule is: Employees…
ts are evil

"I love paper timesheets" said no one ever. #PaperTimesheetsareevil

When it comes to tracking employee attendance for payroll (or job costing) purposes the most inaccurate, creative and despised method is the paper timesheet. Especially handwritten, paper versions. Your employees hate completing them. Your managers hate trying to decipher the handwriting, checking and calculating  the hours Your payroll manager hates…

We have created a new add-on for MyTimesheets - MyRoster by TimeHub

Combining Rostering with Realtime Employee Time & Attendance management, makes for more accurate payroll and happier staff. MyRoster is a powerfully simple add-on to our MyTimesheets application and is designed to make managing employee attendance faster and more accurate. To date our focus has been on helping you manage the realtime…

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