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The hidden cost of using paper time sheets

"Timecreep" - The hidden cost of using paper time sheets

The common view, when it comes to having employees track the hours they work via time sheets, is that it’s an easy process for them to complete the time sheet each week, so why improve the process. Yet, there is so much more to it and so many hidden costs,…
Ducks in a row

Have you got a Payroll Continuity Plan to cope with COVID-19?

One thing we have learned from past situations which disrupted business, such the Christchurch earthquake or even as far back as the Auckland Power Crisis (I still remember that one), is that they were incidents no-one saw coming and in some cases businesses were not prepared. In both of these…
IRD Changes

There's nothing as certain as death, taxes and payroll changes...

Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying "nothing is certain but death and taxes"  For anyone involved in payroll you can add "payroll changes" to that quote as there is always something which changes every year and it is normally around April 1st. This year is no different with Inland…
Timecreep calc

How much in "Timesheet Creep"* costing our business

What is "timecreep" costing your small business? I am often asked what paper timesheets cost a business. Research shows that the cost of manual system can be up to 8% of your annual wage bill. This quick video shows you what factors into that cost for a business with just…

Joining forces with NZ's bookkeepers

We are super excited to be partnering with the Institute of Certified NZ Bookkeepers #nzbookkeepers via their "Members Benefits Scheme" If you are a member of #ICNZB check out their latest newsletter which came out today for details. If you are a bookkeeper and you would like to know more about how our MyTimesheets App…

What employee "time" records must you keep by law?

Almost every day we see a story in the media where an employer is being fined for not keeping accurate Employee Records. These stories typically relate to a lack of or incomplete Wage and Time Records, and/or Employment Agreements in addition to incorrect payments. The Employment Relations and Holidays Acts…

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